I’m from the region of Porto, Portugal. The beautiful city of Vila Nova de Gaia. This is the second reboot of my website :-)
I started my career as a full-time programmer in early 2000s. At that time, I joined the IT lab of a factory. In the following 4 years, i learned SAP ABAP, Java/PHP web programming, MySQL, Postgresql. Started utilizing Linux for personal and professional reasons. Life was good! I have much to thank the IT director (and mentor) from which i learned a lot!
I spent the next 5 years developing web applications as full-stack PHP developer. Around 2018, i learned Python/Django. Shifted my career to become full-stack Pythonista, never looked back!
Participated in the Portuguese Python community. Organized one of the meetups in 2013. There, I talked about deploying Python web applications to Openshift. Ate my own dog food!
The complexity of the projects i contributed increased. So, I further developed skills around automation and infrastructure-as-code. I automated development environments and deployments with Bash, Vagrant, Ansible and Terraform. I’ve deployed Ansible Tower as automation server but the tech industry has changed.
Things got super exciting after 2010. In the following 6 years, i moved to the UK and worked for startups. I grew a lot, both technical and networking skills, in a very dynamic environment.
Docker became more popular and stable. I’ve spent a considerable amount of time dockerizing and deploying containerized application stacks.
In the last couple of years, as of this post, i moved to Amsterdam. Kubernetes has been my container orchestrator.

I have been making efforts to improve my skills in public speaking and technical writing. Presented a talk at DevopsDays Warsaw 2018, about “Microservices for Perfectionists With Deadlines”. Mild success :-)
Before, talked about “Deploying Frontend Web applications With Containers” at Docker Amsterdam Meetup. My first talk ever was at London Ajax JS MiniConf. I talked about my 2010 NodeKnockout project, “TweetIRC”. A lot of water has passed under that bridge!
Lately I’m interested in video game development and CI/CD pipelines. I attended UnrealFest 2019. It was a blast!

Looking forward for exciting things in that area.